
Consultants and Their Different Branding Strategies

Apr 04, 2019 — B2B, B2C, Branding

Consultants and Their Different Branding Strategies

Branding strategies are the first milestone in the journey of building a robust brand. The strategy must be internal and begin with focusing on fundamentals like making a brand positioning strategy, experience, differentiation, and purpose. This results in the making of a brand communication strategy, which is the voice and faces the brand. Developing a […]

Social Media Engagement: A Creative and Crucial Thing behind the growth of your Business

Feb 14, 2019 — B2C, Branding, Digital Marketing, Social Media Marketing

Social Media Engagement: A Creative and Crucial Thing behind the growth of your Business

Social media is quickly turning into one of the most necessary aspects of digital marketing, that provides unimaginable edges that help reach several customers worldwide. And if you are not applying this profitable source, you are missing out an unbelievable marketing chance, as it makes it simple to spread the word about your product and […]

Understanding ASO – App Store Optimization for better discoverability

Jan 21, 2019 — ASO, B2C, Digital Marketing, SEO

Understanding ASO – App Store Optimization for better discoverability

ASO or App Store Optimization is a way of making sure that your app meets the app store ranking process and rise to the top of a search result page. But how can your app get optimized for better discoverability in an app store? To give you an idea about ASO better, we are writing […]

Here is Why Instead of Going Direct, You Should be Hiring an Advertising Agency!

Jan 07, 2019 — B2C, Branding, Digital Marketing, Social Media Marketing

Here is Why Instead of Going Direct, You Should be Hiring an Advertising Agency!

We get many questions from our clients, friends, and prospects why a business owner should get an advertising agency instead of dealing with the tasks directly with various media vendors themselves. While they ask these questions, they are referring to website developers, search engine marketing companies, branding freelancers etc. Business owners often come to the […]

Corporate Video Production – A New and Effective Way of Marketing

Dec 25, 2018 — B2B, B2C, Branding, Corporate Video, Digital Marketing

Corporate Video Production – A New and Effective Way of Marketing

Corporate video production companies in Pune have been serving the medium and large companies for their business promotion since last decade. The strong reason is that such videos are working as a catalyst in the way of brand promotion. Those days are gone when businesses used to follow the same procedure of spreading flyers and […]

Importance of Local SEO for a Local Business

Dec 25, 2018 — B2B, B2C, Digital Marketing, General, SEO

Importance of Local SEO for a Local Business

Now that almost everyone is using the internet to search for goods and services, local and small businesses need to find some ways to compete with large and national companies. One way these businesses can level up with them is through local search engine optimization i.e. LSEO. We at Kaizen Design Studio, take pride in […]

Difference between B2B and B2C Marketing

Mar 23, 2018 — B2B, B2C

Difference between B2B and B2C Marketing

Believe it or not, but there is quite a difference between B2B and B2C marketing. The difference between these 2 types of markets is quite massive even though a product is being sold to a person. When a product is sold to a B2B market, you will often realize that businesses undergo few buying conditions […]

What is B2C Marketing?

Apr 14, 2017 — B2C

What is B2C Marketing?

B2C or Business-to-consumers, marketing is a term used by companies while referring to the type of business they operate. B2C companies focus more on selling their products to an individual and also market their products for personal use. B2C companies also offer some packaging options which are appropriate for the consumption to the individual. There […]