Visual advertising- ABCs of visual ads
Feb 15, 2018 — General

A- Attention
Visual ads should attract the user’s attention at most.
B- Branding
Build user’s trust by using right branding strategy and Brand elements like Logo, colors, patterns in your visual ads.
C- CTA (Call To Action)
It is a mandatory process to fill in the gap between the value proposition & the next step the customer would take.
D- Design Match
Be sure your visual ad takes the user to the exact right page e is looking for.
E- Empathy
All great ads speak to the users about what makes them click, what they respond to.
F- Frequency
Frequent hammering of visual ads may irritate users. Control how often our target user will see your ads.
Set a clear and strategy driven goal; so that you can monitor how your ads are performing against your ad’s objective.
H- Headline
Create a catchy, clear and effective headline for your visual ad. It plays a vital role in attracting the target user.
I- Images
Human brain receives visual information 60000 times faster than text. Use eye pleasing, professional and good resolution images for visual ads.
J- Joke
Don’t be shy to make your ads humorous. Use appropriate humor, if needed for your ads to catch more attention.
K- KPI (Key Performance Indicators)
Before you start any visual ad campaign, select the most relevant metrics for your objective.
L- Landing Page
Landing page must reflect the promises your visual ads are offering. It would be a great practice to create the landing page that mirrors your visual ads as much as possible.
M- Measurement
This is how you know how your visual ad is performing. In a case of poor performance, measure what matters to see how the ad doing against the objective set.
N- Native Ads
Ads that fully match the look and feel of the website or the platform they appear on.
O- Optimization
Visual ads cannot be just set and left. To get more success from your visual ads, one needs to follow up & constantly optimize the ad.
P- Pixel Perfect
Clean design makes your visual ad work better. Make sure your ad is free of jagged edges, weird patterns, and blurred images. A big NO to bad design.
Q- Quality
Quality images, good copy, proper alignment – must haves for a successful visual ad campaign.
R- Return on Investment
It allows you to evaluate how efficient your ads are by comparing the budget invested and the total revenue your ads brought in.
S- Simplicity
Do not make visual ads overcrowded with images or heavy textual information. Follow the KISS- keep it simple silly, rule!
T- Target Audience
Best designed ads shown to wrong audience won’t give any results. Before setting the campaign, search and study for your right target audience and target accordingly.
U- Understandable
Good visual ads are those ads that are easy to understand. Images should be professional and clear. Text should be short and sweet.
V- View Through
View through conversations help to track results for users who saw your ads. Track both, view through and click through conversations to know the exact results your ad campaign brought in.
W- Why should I click?
Any visual ads need to answer this question. Give the user the reason to click or at least remember your ad.
X- The Ad choices X
The small sign in the top right corner that allows user to opt out of receiving specific ads & report.
Y- You
The visual ads must always be about the target audience, and not you! The best ads are those who create best experience for the user and not the business owner or the marketer.
Z- Z Tons of Patience
For a successful visual ad campaign one needs to be very patient. Keep on following up, optimizing and testing to get maximum results.