
SEO Techniques in 2019 that Helps to Rank Your Website Higher in SERP

Apr 22, 2019 — Digital Marketing, SEO

SEO Techniques in 2019 that Helps to Rank Your Website Higher in SERP

SEO is an amazing tool that helps many users find the exact information they are looking for on a website. It helps companies to rank well on the search results helping them offer various products and services to the consumers online. There are 2 important factors SEO depends on – Ranking and Visibility. The ranking […]

Importance of Local SEO for a Local Business

Dec 25, 2018 — B2B, B2C, Digital Marketing, General, SEO

Importance of Local SEO for a Local Business

Now that almost everyone is using the internet to search for goods and services, local and small businesses need to find some ways to compete with large and national companies. One way these businesses can level up with them is through local search engine optimization i.e. LSEO. We at Kaizen Design Studio, take pride in […]

How to Optimize your website for Voice Search?

Dec 03, 2018 — Digital Marketing, SEO

How to Optimize your website for Voice Search?

In the year 2013, Google came out with the Hummingbird algorithm. This update made it possible for search engines to understand the intent of the searchers’ quarries and match them with relevant results.  This updated jump-started the now necessary tool of ‘Voice Search’. It has become an expected feature for phones to come with a […]