Rocket Boost your Brand Using Instagram

Jun 19, 2019 — B2B, Branding, Digital Marketing, General, Social Media Marketing

Rocket Boost your Brand Using Instagram

Humans are social animals. We crave for social engagements. Social Media has emerged as a great tool for social media engagement. An average person views his social media account at least once a day. There are many social media accounts through which social media engagement occurs but platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are very popular. Kaizen Design Studio is one of the leading branding agencies in Pune that can help your brand grow with its brand design consultancy expertise!

We all have seen the rise of Instagram over the years. It has firmed its roots in the digital marketing field to a great extent. It has transformed itself in a marketing tool that can be helpful for any brand to attract customers. So, what exactly do you need to attract customers through Instagram? Indeed, it’s a herculean task to start from scratch but if you follow a few simple steps and focus on the same, your brand can be a hit on Instagram in no time! Have a look.

Carve a good strategy

Before you start anything, preparing a good strategy is necessary. Instagram is an image-centric social media platform. So, the strategy has to be prepared according to the needs of Instagram. There are many brand strategy consulting services which carve a strategy revolving around your brand thus, helping your brand to gain more attraction. Kaizen Design Studio, A Branding Agency in Pune prepares excellent and impactful social media strategies for various clients and will help you in attracting more customers.

Choose trending hashtags

Hashtags rule the roost in the Instagram Kingdom! According to a study, 70% of popular Instagram hashtags are brandedThey have a significant role in reaching out to your targeted customer base as the explore section in Instagram shows feed based on a user’s previous searches and the hashtags enable your posts to pop in the explore section. So, hashtags form an important component of brand development.

Develop great content

Content is the oxygen of any social media platform. Creating great content works like magic on Instagram. Bland and boring content makes your brand page lifeless! A brand consultant comes to your rescue in such situations! They provide you with attractive content that is sure to serve as a magnet between the user and your brand page.

Increase customer engagement level

This is the most basic rule of any business. You have to be quick in terms of responding to the comments of customers. It displays your helpfulness as well as your quickness in terms of customer service.

Logo visibility a must on every post

Your logo describes your brand. Make sure that your logo is visible on every post you upload. The constant hammering of the brand logo is impactful in attracting customers to your brand.

Focus on visual branding

The theme of your company should reflect on your posts. Your Instagram branding should revolve around the type of service or the product you offer to your audience. Your theme should not change with every post. If your previous post was made using bright colors, then the upcoming posts should go in the same way. Never change the theme of your post. The images should also be attractive and to the point. Never post grainy images. It is a big thumbs down for garnering views for your post.

Stress more on infographics

Nowadays, most people are on the move and don’t have time to read long posts about a product or service. Posting brilliant infographics that give more information in a short span can appeal more to the customers.

The Instagram branding process needs the patience to bear fruits of success but once you perfect the art of posting relevant content with brilliant images, your brand would be a super hit! Consistency is the key and if you are consistent, you will definitely achieve the target of attracting more customers to your base!