5 Design mistakes that can cost us a lot & how to prevent them
Oct 03, 2018 — Web Design & Development
There is a difference between a good design and a bad design. Businesses have been asking for a better user experience and modernized looks for the websites, brochures, and other materials that create brand awareness. Branding companies have been helping them with an appropriate design and the most creative representation of their brands. However, there are some basic mistakes that have been made by designers and developers that do not give the expected results and fail to make an impact. Despite providing the best-in-class service and possessing all the capabilities to add value to the lives of people, businesses do not get the market presence they deserve due to lack of the best representation through design. The visitor needs to feel that he or she understood everything only by looking at the design. Businesses should provide an ease in interaction. Following are some the mistakes made in the design and how to overcome them.
Visitors scan, they do not read:
An average user or visitor is interested in reading an entire thing. He is interested in searching for things that interest him. Because people need everything quickly. They want to understand everything quickly and move on. They don’t have time to read everything there is on a page. Though designers think there should be all the necessary textual information on the page, readers may not go through everything. So, use many headings and bulleted list to highlight what is important. Keep enough space between two bulleted points. If the necessary information needs to be given, it should be given in short paragraphs. Moreover, you can highlight all the important terms in bold. This will capture the reader’s attention and give the necessary outputs.
Hierarchies work the best:
According to the principle mentioned above, another essential aspect that will help visitors scan is a proper hierarchy. This will enable visitors to understand everything as they see the relationship between two elements distinctly. Putting everything in line or adjacent to each other would create confusion about the relationship between elements. So, put the most important element in the bold or large text. Then reduce the size of text according to hierarchy and use appropriate color sets. If there are elements that belong to each group, keep the visual text style the same for them for better understanding.
No instructions, everything obvious:
The job of a designer is to make everything obvious. No one is ready to read instructions; they do not have the time. So, it is important to make everything self-explanatory. Reduce as much as possible so that the visitor will have all the necessary information that is scanned quickly. This will convey more information and enable better understanding than giving step by step instructions and expecting them to know everything.
I don’t care how it works:
Many visitors are not interested in knowing how the product works. It is not because they do not possess the necessary intelligence, it is because they do not care. They are interested in using the product and get their job done. If it fails to fulfill their need, they will switch to something else. So, try to connect with people emotionally through information and designs, instead of telling the technicality involved with the product. Even though there is a new technology, people are rarely interested. They are interested in applications and how it will help them.
Ask the right questions:
It is one of the most important aspects of design. You cannot ask if the drop-down menu is what people like to scroll through. You need to ask if the drop-down menu, the text, the font, the heading, or the page will create an enhanced experience for the user or give a better understanding. Asking the right questions will save a lot of time and energy and increase productivity.
Creating a good design is not a cakewalk. It takes effort, energy, and a lot of thought process. Avoiding the aforementioned mistakes will increase productivity and create the best designs. Being one of the leading web designing companies in Pune, Kaizen Design Studio helps clients create an innovative website, creative designs for packaging and brochures, and create brand awareness.