Meet the Client

Meet the Client

With more than 30 years in the business, Colorsome has been providing the best painting services in Mumbai & Pune. They built their business by providing high-quality, professional services in an industry, which is still today, largely unorganised. They have executed large-scale commercial projects, successfully serving the government and private sectors. They have now also expanded into providing labour services, customised paint jobs, and have created their in-house paint brand - Crux Supra. Colorsome is a growing company that is expanding its services across Maharashtra starting with its two largest metro cities, Mumbai and Pune.
Colorsome Paints

This is How it Started

You have to start somewhere and Colorsome started with us from the absolute beginning of any brand - the name. Yes, their team and ours brainstormed to come up with a name that’s catchy and does justice to the business and legacy. And the name Colorsome was born. We also helped in registering the trademark for that name, which came through on the 4th of August, 2022. So, now the brand will forever be Colorsome.

What we did

Time to Build the Brand

Brands are built on recall value, and recall value comes from the right logo and colours. Initially, a painting services company in Mumbai, Colorsome had evolved into a painting and labour service and solutions company that also sold high-quality yet affordable paint products, and the logo had to represent this evolution colorfully. We made a minimalist logo that takes inspiration from a chameleon, nature's finest colour changing animal, and supplemented it with the name in capitalised text creating an eye-catching juxtaposition. This finalised logo was then used to create the branding material like business cards, paint shade cards, uniforms, caps, badges, and on attractive paint bucket stickers. All the branding materials now pop and catch the eye and imagination of the viewer.

Into the Digital-Verse

For 30 years, Colorsome succeeded offline, but now, with Kaizen 360 Branding Pvt. Ltd. as their branding expert, it was time to stand out in the digital sphere as well. And where to start? Website, of course! Your website is your primary online marketing tool. Gone are the days when websites were just about information. Modern websites are about experiences. They are about representing the brand and creating sales. And that’s exactly what we did with Colorsome’s website. Sleek, snappy, high-tech, and colourful, Colorsome’s new website does justice to the company’s respected name and adds value to its overall business and presence. The website is user-friendly giving potential customers the appropriate amount of information (not an overload), allowing them to check out Colorsome’s previous work, and an opportunity to book appointments to get accurate assessments and quotes from Colorsome's experts.


Most of the traffic on Saurabh Flexipack's website was organic and this was not enough. As mentioned above, we used sound tactics like paid marketing campaigns on Google and LinkedIn, email marketing, and SEO. Each activity delivered excellent engagement and the results were as follows:


Increase in website traffic


Increase in enquiries


Higher conversion rate at
